My problem with peltier coolers and water coolers is that I don't want to have to deal with condensation/moisture
Condensation could be a problem with peltier, but not with a normal water cooling setup. Because the water temperature will NEVER drop below room temperature there is no chance of condensation.
This story changes when peltiers are used. But as said in my previous post, you'll need a pretty hefty peltier to really get that temperature down.
In practice, temperatures up to +/- 15°C (59°F) won't give you any problems with condensation.
However, this is dependant on air humidity. If this is tried in a region where the air humidity is high, you setup might start developing condensation even from the point when the temperatures go below room temperature. (this is exceptional though)
I added a second picture of my water cooling install. Appologies for the bad quality of the pics, they were taken with my Nokia 7650 cell phone for lack of a real digital camera. This was right before the cooling rig was fitted into my case. The pump was already installed at that point.
158211-Afbeelding(33).jpg (125 downloads)
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup