Just thought you guys might like to see the National Motorists Association's stance on this:


I pretty much agree with them. For those of you wondering why we think they are dangerous it has nothing to do with them being too bright. I seem to remember reading in popular science a few years back how the military was trying to make their planes invisable to the eye (since they were pushing the limits of radar stealth) and one of the ways they were looking at was, for daytime flying, big bright lights on the front and underside of the plane. So what we are really looking at here is more of a contrast ratio. In the brighter locations (such as sunny florida where i live) DRLs tend to make a car LESS visible because it brings the brightness of the car up to the level of the surounding ambiant light. on the other hand darker vehicals are easier to see because they are darker than everything else. So what is needed is for the controle to be in the driver and they need to be able to judge whether or not they would be most visible at a particular moment with their lights on or off. The problem is most drivers are not properly trained in how to do this (same as the people who cruise in the left lane) and so you have people running around in low light conditions with no lights on (you also have people running around in high light conditions with their lights on thinking it makes them more visible).
- Marcus -