Ok, I got the game in the mail today.
Of course, when I ordered it I quickly realized that I don't have a machine to play it on.

All of my machines are running Linux, and the two that would be suitable to play the game on happen to be important machines (one's my main file server, and the other is my DNS, and MySQL server). So, I finally decided to make a Windows machine out of the Shuttle box I bought from Rob (thanks again Rob!), which has been sitting in my closet for a while. I promptly ordered new parts, and ~ $450 later I have a chip, video card, and RAM on it's way to me.
Until the stuff gets here (probably Monday or Tuesday) I get to stare at the box and read through all the stuff.
As a side note, a co-worker invited me to join a group already.

They've had it all organized and everything for the past two months or so. Some people are WAY too into things.

Not to say that I might not be in the future, but that's a little scary. Anyway, I told him I'll play the game for a few days or weeks and I'll join if I decide I like it and am going to continue playing.
On the bright side, now I'll have a machine prepared to handle Half-Life 2.