But I am talking about navigating playlist while in my car on the empeg... which is alpha, yet the list in emplode is in added order and cannot change...

I'm still not clear on what you're trying to say...

Are you confused by the fact that the on-the-empeg playlist menu appears alphabetically rather than in "play" order, whereas Emplode lists the items in play order?

First: You can see the list in Emplode in alphabetical order if you want. Click on the root playlist ("empeg-car" in the left-hand pane). Then hit view/details. Then click on the "Title" column. Okay, so it's only alphabetical in the right-hand column, not the left. But at least you can see it that way if you need to.

Second, you said "the list in emplode is in added order and cannot change." But you can change it from the added order. Click on the "position" column to sort them in play order, then drag items up and down in the list to change their order.

Third: Understand that there's three different orders we're discussing here. There's the play order, in other words, what the Empeg does when unshuffled. This is represented by the "position" column in Emplode. Then there's the menu order on the Empeg's front panel, which is hard-coded to be alphabetical no matter what. Then there's the order that items are displayed in Emplode, which is fully sortable in the right-hand pane.

Is it these three different orders that's confusing? I wonder, would there be any way to make it clearer?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris