Not sure if this has been requested before but I would like a to have a storage compartment to put in the empty docking sleeve when the empeg is moved from one car to another.
I have a Honda del Sol which will be the primary home for my empeg but that car will be parked for the winter and I will be driving my CR-V around with my empeg connected to the Pioneer Head unit I have in that vehicle. So now when the Spring rolls around and I pull the empeg out of the CR-V I will have a gaping steel hole in my dash. I would like to have a compartment the snaps in place like the empeg... maybe even with a handle on it so I can carry it around with stuff in it :) ok, maybe a little too far here. But I hope you guys get the idea.
And this way I won't have to rip apart the dash again every fall to put the empeg back in the CR-V and if I were to take the CR-V on a trip then I would have the ability to just pop the storage compartment out and put the empeg in it's place.
Thanks for listening empeg co. I look forward to ordering this next week.

#170... I got SN: 080000101 12 gig Blue!
12 gig empeg Mark II, SN: 080000101
30 gig RioCar SN: 30103114
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