Oh, don't get me wrong. I have a few of Mark's docks, and they are really the greatest thing!!! There is just something a little surreal about putting an empeg into a Sparc IPC carcass. I enjoy twisted things like that...

Case and point - does anyone here remember Microsoft Bob???

Check the hardware. Bored at work one day, I decided to try and get Microsoft BOB running under WABI (Windows 95 emulator) up and running on a Solaris 2.6 SparcStation 2. (This was a long time ago, obviously.) I got it working, somewhat, and Joe D'Andrea (jdandrea on the board) and I staged the photo, complete with Diet Coke, rainbow slinky and O'Reilly books. The machine crashed immediately after the shot was taken - probably for the better.

167479-bob.jpg (688 downloads)

Edited by pgrzelak (06/07/2003 10:44)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs