There's not been enough hullabaloo on the board recently, so let me bring this up:

Project Censored, sort of a media watchdog association, recently published their top ten un- or under- reported stories of 2003. All of them are about our wonderful Federal administration. There's a rundown of them in my local free weekly, plus the fifteen runners-up, many of which are also about Bush and the Bushettes.

The number-one under-reported story is about the PNAC document that describes exactly what the administration is currently doing. You know, the one I was called a conspiracist for talking about on this board.

I don't know. Maybe we're all worn out of talking about this stuff. (One or two of the articles were about information new to me, though.) Assuming Bush doesn't get reelected, do you think that a new administration (assuming it wants to) can reverse all, or even most, of the absurd foreign policy and civil liberties changes that have been made over the course of the prior four years?
Bitt Faulk