A quick question on loading Rjlov's voladjust kernel with 1.01: is it just the same as 1.0?

Since it is a modified kernel, it is vital that you have the same version number as the current player software. If you only have his 1.0 kernel, you must download his 1.01 kernel if you wish to use it with the Empeg 1.01 player software.

There are no "on the surface" differences between 1.0 and 1.01, but he has added some "under the hood" hooks which allow you to link to a chooser program. I have been able to run this, and although it's useful, it's not quite ready for public consumption yet because the chooser doesn't display anything on the screen and it requires some fancy mucking about at the bash prompt to install it. Also, it requires the developer build in order to work. All the chooser program does is allow you to choose between "off", and "on" with two possible amounts of compression at boot time.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris