Okay, this one was good:

My neighbor wouldn't bring his violent, barking dog inside... ever... And even though several of us tried nicely to ask him to please control his dog, he said "It's your problem". So I wrote a psychotic note that said "THE DOG DIES IF IT DOESN'T SHUT THE FUCK UP". He brought the dog inside the next day. But then after a few weeks, he felt safe and put the dog back out. Barking as usual. So I threw large amounts of chocolate in his back yard (dogs are highly alergic to chocolate). The dog got really sick and another note arrived "I MEAN IT". That dog has been inside ever since.
Having had my share of neighbor dog-barking problems, that's certainly a novel solution.

I just filed a complaint with the county animal control division, but it didn't get instant results like the above technique seems to have done.
Tony Fabris