I've mentioned before that mine is from ricin, or ricinus communis, the poison. Not all that exciting. I did start using it in IRC though quite a while back. It all started in the BBS days where my nick was Fulcrum, named after the Mig-29. I had picked that because my best friend at the time was Falcon (named after the F-16), and therefore it just made sense to pick the rival plane. Plus, I liked that it had a double meaning, namely
"An agent through which vital powers are exercised," among others. Anyway, then once I got into IRC I bounced around a lot and couldn't stick with one name. I used Rage, cuisinart (yeah, don't ask

), and others I can't remember. Then after reading a plethora of text online and seeing a Discovery Channel show all about the poison, I decided to stick with RiCiN, and have ever since (about 12 years).
Anyway, not as interesting of a story as everyone else, but that's my story.