Still on my honeymoon with it, but this just arrived a couple days ago (took forever for it to ship -- I think they're just really backed up with orders).

After upgrading the firmware (kind of cool -- you burn an iso onto a CD and you can then boot the player off the CD to perform the upgrade), I was able to access the custom DVI settings and configure the 1:1 mapping for my HS10 (1368x768). The output looks considerably better than my previous player ... I didn't know what to expect with it, but I must say I'm impressed. The scaler in this thing does a really good job ... I do, however, agree completely with the other reviews that 480p looks like crap. Not sure what they managed to do there, but do not buy this if you're not going to drive a 720p or 1080i HD device (but then, why would you?).

I imagine you can get similar performance out of an HTPC w/ ATI card doing 1:1 also (I haven't tried playing a DVD with mine yet -- just games), but this guy's kind of nice in that it doesn't require a dedicated PC.

So far this is a "highly recommended". Now I need to track down the discrete on/off Pronto codes ... I'll follow-up again after a longer test drive.

Speaking of PC hookups -- Now that I have my DVI switch, I finally have everything hooked up properly, and programming and game playing on the projector is pretty badass. I just need to run digital audio out from my PC to the receiver to be fully prepared for Doom 3
