From my mouth to God's ear..this is the truth the whine got worse to the point of temp today was in the 40's..went to the car..pulled out the Sony...pulled out the empeg with sled...booted it up..NO Whine!!!
Put the sled back in...bent the tabs..slid in the empeg...LOTS of Whine!!!
Take the sled out again..slide in the empeg..NO Whine!!
Hmmmm what is going on here...
So...with the empeg playing i slide the sled back in..NO Whine...Go Figure..but I am happy :-)
So i slide out the empeg bend the tabs to secure the sled...slide in the empeg...Whine is BACK..WTF!?!?!?!?! cut to the chase..and this is the interesting part of my tale....
when i bend down the lower left tab to secure the sled...Whine is there
When I leave the tab straight...Whine is Nowhere!!!
I dont know why or how..but for the present time it is working and i dont care to know why!!!
..and thats that
...One man gathers what another man spills