I, too, hate to admit it, but I have a 'spare' Empeg. (Actually.. It's not really a spare. It started out as one, but now I use it as much as my 'real' one. Usually testing different things I want to do on it, etc etc. I named them 'Statler' and 'Waldorf'.

I was prompted to get my first was was the firesale. I put it off (not knowing, at the time, that it WAS a firesale.) And then picked one up when I found out what it could do.
I got my SECOND one when I was getting the first one installed in my Mini. I was standing in the showroom looking at head units there. I was trying to find an acceptible one in case the Empeg bit the dust. None of them even came CLOSE. So, I got the second one.
Now the only thing I pay for is more gas. Because I liked to drive BEFORE the Empegs, I drive MORE now, WITH them.. (50k miles the FIRST YEAR I owned my Mini. Scary.)