KLBJ in Austin has been having this Metallica road trip contest so that means wayyyy too much Metallica being played lately. But the cool thing about it is they also have been playing a band called Iron Horse who has a tribute album to Metallica called Fade to Bluegrass. Check it out here with some sound samples.
I've been intending to stop by Tower Records and get it, but I could've ordered online and received it by now... Anyways, not being a fan of Metallica for the most part, and being one that will listen to bluegrass but couldn't tell you many artists, I find this tribute pretty good. But for some reason, it makes Metallica songs sound alot "darker" than they are when performed by Metallica themselves. Whaddyall think?
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX