I'm not an expert, but from what you're describing, I think that humbuckers might come across a little harsh. They tend to pick up harmonics better than single-coil pickups and have an edgy quality to them, making them really good for distorted or overdriven amplification, but make them a little ... tinny? ... for clean playing.
Without having heard the music you're playing, I'd take a guess and say that you'd probably be happier with a semi-hollow-body Rickenbacker or maybe a Telecaster. They both have good folk-rock roots, especially the Rick; the Tele is more countrified. A Strat is more the jack-of-all-trades guitar, and you won't go wrong there. (Though I don't think that Fender's quality has picked up enough to really merit spending the extra dough over a quality knockoff. I could be wrong, though, as I haven't checked in recent years.) I also think you won't go right. There's always something better than a Strat for whatever you're playing, but if you change styles enough, buying four guitars may make less sense than buying one that do them all reasonably well.
Bitt Faulk