I just got an XBox and so I now have an embarrassing backlog of games I've started but have not finished. Currently in the rotation...

Prince of Persia (Xbox) - An excellent game that I finished way too quickly. But now there are the PoP1 and PoP2 unlockables I'm planning on playing later... PoP1 is sadly the Mac version so it doesn't have the same nostalgic value I was expecting, but still it's just as good (and I forgot just how unforgiving!)

Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Xbox) - Got this for Christmas from my brother in-law. An oldie, but I am enjoying it. I didn't like the demo I played two years ago, but I think I was mislead to believe it was supposed to be a platformer in the vein of Mario et al. It's more a puzzler like Lemmings and the earlier Oddworlds. Pretty fun for free!

Legend of Zelda, Collector's Edition (GameCube) - Man this is fantastic. I plan to play this end to end soon. I've already played them all save Zelda II: Adventures of Link. I consider this my version of watching the LoTR trilogy in one sitting!

Cubivore (GameCube) - I picked this one up used as I like odd-ball game concepts. I love the idea, but the execution is a little sloppy. It's interesting, but I can't seem to bring myself to just finish the damn thing.

Final Fantasy X (Playstation2) - At first I was amazed at the sheer amount of unique content, but now I am just bored. This is the first incarnation of combat that I've liked in the versions > XII. But now I am at Zanarkan (sp?) and the creatures you fight are immune to almost everything...

Brian H. Johnson
MK2 36GB Blue, currently on life support
"RIP RCR..."