I have said it before; he sounds like he has serious mental problems.
I'm going to play devil's advocate here (maybe literally?)

and suggest that Paul is having us on.
He's a smart kid (look at any of his posts dealing with math, for instance) and I suspect he is not the racist, intolerant, bigoted, sub-moronic, inbred cretin that he pretends to be. He knows how to press our buttons, and has a good time doing so. I would not be totally amazed to find out that he doesn't exist, but is the alter-ego of one of the more "respectable" posters on the bbs. Remember a guy by the name of Rex_Oah?
That said, I would be happier if he went away and never came back. Even though I think he's doing it only for the fun of getting a rise out of us,
I don't need the aggravation. I have trained myself almost subliminally now to automatically skip past anything he posts without reading it.
All he's doing is posting flame bait. Don't rise to it and he'll go away quicker.