there are simply too many ideological differences that prevent me from voting for a Democrat
So you rather vote for a guy that'd sit on his rear ignoring 6 seperate blatant warnings for terrorist activity leading to 9/11, a guy that would use something horrendous like that to roll out something like Afghanistan (which was on his agenda before he even entered office), and in the process outright lie to the entire country, someone that would put us unbelievably in debt just to aquire oil assets that only bennefit a select few, you'd rather vote for a guy like that rather then democrat? Democrat or Bush? No choice in the matter? I repeat, when are people going to open their eyes?

Not trying to bust on you too much, but I never understood how people could blindly follow such an idiot and support him. The mentallity that you have no choice is silly, but it's a Rebublican thing I've never understood.