I've been trying all week to come up with a reply for this thread and I can't, my jobs involves so many other sub jobs that the details are just mind numbing! So here is a brief summary of the main stuff I do.
I work in the IT industry for company that make big storage systems (big as in 70TB), for whom I work on the Mfg side of the house. On a day to day bases I'm responsible for Mfg concerns with the laptops that are attached to these systems. This means all the software loaded as part of the Mfg process (used for testing) - which must all get done with the click of a mouse button or less (to keep it simple for the people who install it - think of have some really complex selection of software installed with the click of a button) and the removal of said software before shipping - can't ship software XX to the Field, we don't have a license for that. This is achieved though lots of smoke and mirrors, aka WISE & AutoIt scripts and lots of use of the command line, long live the command line.
Of course this means that as soon as there is a problem with any thing related to the laptop I get the call, usually this should just involves a quick bit of FA and a hand off - but as we all know people suffer from denial and don't accept that it their code or hardware that is to fault. Fortunately my boss & director trust me and my opinions enough to go to bat for me - though I have found it quicker to take care of some things through back channels. Of course this has a down side, my bosses see me as some "can do" type of guy and frequently drop me in the middle as stuff that is not working and needs to be up and running yesterday. The most recent was a high level FA problem from the Field a system had a "Thermal Event" and they needed to know why the laptop didn't call home - in this case the Field had sent us the wrong laptop

And that's just the main part of my job, I also end up back stopping our departments network/systems admin, he does not have a fun job as our companies IS department will have nothing to do with our group - we won't play by their rules! And with good reason, things in our world change way too quickly. I could go on....but my work involves alot of PC time and often I hitting the web looking up registry setting to abuse Windows in some new way

PS If anyone is ever looking for some looking for some help with a WISE script, or would like to package up their program let me know, I'd be happy to help. And if your looking to hire a WISE scripter....