Oh man, don't even get me started. I'm so happy to be back in the world of "grunge", unconcerned with what the crazy teenagers decide is the greatest music out there.
For a while, bands like The Vines and The Strokes appeared to be starting a new (though retro) trend, but that sure fizzled out. The power of Spears and Christina and pop in general and rap in general has apparently stopped all innovasion. Though there appear to be innovations within those genres, from artists who actually seem discontent with doing the same old pop and/or gangsta thing. Outkast has frequently impressed me (don't let runaway singles turn you off, even though I happen to think "Hey Ya" is a good song). And I really dislike rap in general. Who knows, perhaps rap and pop artists will mature into actual musicians, though I don't hold out much hope in most cases.
And speaking of the half time show

what was with the musical selection? Could they not get any hip, current artists to perform popular music? (no, I'm not being hypocritical, just wondering why
they chose not to). I mean, that Justin song was the most recent of the whole thing, and that was what, 8 months ago?
And what the hell?? Where the f*** were the commercials? CBS is officially the
worst network. The entire country knows that the absolute best commercials of the year air during the Superbowl, yet this year I'd guess that nearly two thirds of the commercial air time was taken up by CBS promos. Do they really have to have 15 spots for "Everybody Loves Raymond"? I really hate Raymond now! As for the good ones, I wasn't impressed by the AOL ads, and the only good one I can recall from the entire 4 hours was the donkey and the Clydesdales
What a waste of 4 hours.