
I received my first proof of the answer sheet today. I want to adjust the font size a little for two of the answers, but this is very close to what I will be doing. Adjustments are:

a) Make the "42" smaller (to match the font size of the triangle marked A+) and to center it in the triangle.
b) Have the "MAKE IT SO." appear on one line.
c) Change /dev/null and ping to the proper lower case (edit)

Please feel free to comment. But be warned:

a) I will not substantially change an answer at this point without a really good reason, even though there are tons of good answers out there.
b) Yes, I know it is shouting. But given the size / clarity, this is probably easier to read when suspended in murky fluid...

200929-ball1.jpg (161 downloads)

Edited by pgrzelak (03/02/2004 18:26)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs