Hi all,

In a similar vein to past (and current) threads asking for travel assistence, help me go to New Zealand (at no cost to you)! There's a local camera shop that's running a travel photography contest, open to entries taken on travels during 2003. I did a bit of travel last year (a week in Costa Rica plus a month in India), netting about 1000+ photos, so I figure I might as well enter a few.

Unfortunately, I can't just enter all 1000 pictures. (Okay, maybe that's a good thing. ) There is a limit of 3 entries per person. There are 3 categories -- people, place, and humour. Sadly, there's no wildlife category.

The tricky part (and this is where you folks come in), is in narrowing down my selection of what might stand a chance of winning. Don't worry, you don't have to look at 1000 vacation photos. I've already culled it down to about 30 photos. There are some definate front-runners in there, IMHO, but I'm curious to know what the "average" public likes.

Please take a look at the photos. At the bottom of each large view (click on the thumbnail), there's a link at the bottom to vote for that photo (it helpfully says "Vote for this photo!"). Since I can enter more than one photo, feel free to vote for more than one photo.

The three photos that have the highest tally of votes will be what ends up in the contest. (Deadline for entry is the 17th, and I still have to get the photos printed.)


PS... The photos are being hosted from my closet, so, uh... please be patient if it's running a bit slowly...