3. Right click on the 'Attachment' link and hit 'Properties'. Copy all of the text from the 'Address' field into the clipboard.
5. Put the following text: [ image ] [ /image ] (without any spaces) in your text, and paste the link in between the two tags.

OK, you asked for it...

Here is my home office complete with office assistant.

The "Plastic Shine" bottle is for cleaning/polishing CDs before ripping them. Seems to work very well -- EAC rarely shows any re-read attempts. Printer is Kyocera (1/4 cent per page for consumables); scanner is an old HP IIcx ScanJet, hugely better than the cheap <$200 USB "throwaway" scanners you see today. (It'll scan an 8x10 color photo in about 10--12 seconds.)


205143-Fuji0009.JPG (397 downloads)

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"