When I normally fade out the endings in my animated logos, it is so that you may use a Static Logo of your choice.
When an Animated Logo does not fade out, the last frame is usually the best bet for a static. I still can however modify the Animation so that the animation fades out to the static logo of your choice.

Here is my idea for your particular logo.
Currently, the last frame of the animation has the VW logo just left of the middle. The words "Linux inside" or even that particular logo on the right of the VW logo would be cool.

A static of logo with the VW logo and Linux inside logo would be created and the last three frames to the original animation would then be modified so that it transitions to the static.

Let me know what you think.

edit: Here is the static
If you like it, I can have it transition to the static or you can use as is. The Linux inside logo will just seem to Magically appear after the animation.

227625-VW-Convertible-static.gif (444 downloads)

Edited by Skunk (28/07/2004 16:28)
aka: [color:"blue"]Boot Logo Master[/color]
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