While the copyright infringement arguments rage on (elsewhere); it may be energy well spent (on our part) to set our own policy. What do _we_ think should be the policy? Maybe (worthy of discussion) the best course of action is to add an entry in the FAQ delineating what is considered 'acceptable' regarding music trading. Spell out where 'the line' is drawn (as clearly as possible), and when it is crossed. It may be that, having and enforcing such a policy, would be the necessary and sufficient requirements to deflect any future claims of 'copyright infringement'. Then again, maybe not; but it's certainly worth discussing.
FWIW, there has been some excellent craftsmanship from the 'mix masters' of the board; and I, for one, would not want to be denied the fruits of their labor. Technically, though, a 'mix' skirts dangerously close (I think) to 'copyright infringement'; enough so, that it would be difficult to decide which side of 'the line' it lands on.
What do we decide?