Like the hospital, I'd hate to have any of the many staff potentially question me and cause a big scene.
Exactly. And the point I'm trying to make is... I've never had anyone question me about the empeg, no matter where I took it. You're thinking that employees at these places are more nosy than they really are. For the most part, they couldn't care less.
And if someone does question you, you can simply say "it's my car stereo". If they want proof, then it takes about 3 seconds to open the case and politely show them that it's just your car stereo and nothing to be concerned about.
(Or you could look at it as an opportunity to show off your toy, depending on what kind of mood you're in.

Now I'll agree that a pelican case might get more attention than an empeg bag (or a gameboy bag or a camera bag or whatever kind of softcase you've cobbled together). So if you're truly concerned about not being able to bring it into hospitals or concerts, then
get a soft case and be done with it.