When searching with the google toolbar, the words you seached for ended up on the toolbar.
Are you sure that's not there? Maybe you don't have the latest version. What I think you're talking about was enabled by default on my toolbar. I hate that so I turned it off. Try right-clicking on the toolbar and making sure that "Search Words" is checked.
So far I like how fast Firefox is at browsing pages. The thing I don't like is the rigidity of the toolbars. Toolbars in IE are pretty much free to move anywhere you like. It was nice because I could puit the Google bar on the same horizontal space as another toolbar that wasn't taking up the whole width of the screen. I understand that this Google toolbar is just a plugin, but it would be nice to be able to move any of these items around. It just seems very unflexible.
There appears to be another feature of the IE toolbar missing that nobody has said. Maybe I'm the only one who uses the Autofill feature, but I love it.