OK, here is what I have done and some comments... I am sure there are some things i am missing AND the Last Post link needs to loose the bold somehow... It looks better with no bold.
Anyhoo here are the changes and suggestions:
General Comments
Not a big deal but the following has implications whereas the first line of the thread list is the same color as the header line:
- The class called lighttable has a dark background
- The class called darktable has a light background
- The class called newlighttable has a dark background
- The class called newdarktable has a light background
Some of the Quick links and Addon links at the top are empeg specific. A little confusing when searching for a Karma dock or some other accessory for other Rio devices. Maybe make a general Quick Links then Specific Addon lists like empeg Addon: and Karma Addon: and Rio Receiver/Central Addon: MAYBE???
HTML suggestions
- Reduce cellpadding from 3 to 2 for all tables with class="tableborders". This will make the border around the main tables a little smaller...
<table class="tableborders" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> TO
<table class="tableborders" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
CSS changes
- Changed these classes to repair white backgrounds on new thread list.
.newlighttable {
background: #515174;
font-weight: bold;
.newdarktable {
background: #636380;
font-weight: bold;
- Added new CSS class .navigation that was specified for navigation table. Does nothing right now!!! But I changed color for navigation table by changing background color for class .tablesurround
.navigation {}
.tablesurround { background:#444466;}
- Changed class .newsubjecttable. This is for new subjects that used to be white.
.newsubjecttable {
background: #515174;
- Moved the following to a more appropriate location to 'clean up' the CSS document a little
.pollcolor {
background: #000000;
.modcolumn {
background: #000000;
color: #ffc000;
--------------------------end CSS--------------
Sean in NC
224256-empeg.css (68 downloads)