Let me just start by saying... God, I hate how cluttered the screen is on the new software. Tom, please do anything and everything in your power to simplify the screen layout. Anything that removes unnecessary crud on the screen is a good thing.
To that end, I just turned off the Quick Reply box by default. Because I could. And because others complained about it. I agree with the sentiment of keeping the discussions properly threaded even if everyone uses flat mode. I'm not sure if this is a global BBS feature, or if it's something that is supposed to be controllable per-user. I don't see a per-user option to control this anywhere in my options.
- OMFG, now I remember why I resisted switching to this software. Is there any way we can hack out all the rating crap? Again, useless clutter.
- I second the sentiment to hack out the "hot" thingy. Clutter.
- Top of screen still links to the old Rio Receiver BBS. That used to be something I had the power to change myself, but now I don't see it in the admin control panel any more.
- The Title bar text (the HTML page title of every page) is now all the same instead of different for forums and posts. In the past it used to say "Viewing a list of forums" or "Viewing a list of posts" or "<Post Title>". This was very useful because those of us who loved Tabbed Browsers could see, in the tab titles, whether you'd opened a tab for a list of posts, or opened a specific post. That meant that in a tabbed browser you could get the main screen and shift-click all the forums with new posts, go to one of the "viewing a list of posts" tabs, then shift-click all the posts on that tab, find the nest "Viewing a list of posts" tab, shift click all its posts, etc. Now all says "Unofficia..." for every single tab, regardless of whether it's a list or a post. So I can't see what is a thread and what is a post. So tabbed browsing is utterly fu
cking useless on this software now. How do we hack this back to the way it was before? Puh-leeeze?
- In the main forum list and in the lists of posts, it used to say (12 new) in a different color. Now it's an almost-invisible (12) that is much much harder to see. This is very important to me. All joking about robots aside, one of the reasons that I can keep up with the BBS during the day is because I wrote a VB program to blink a systray icon when a new post appeared on the BBS. This allowed me to quickly scan for new posts on the board, quickly reply if necessary, and then go back to work. The VB program did this by looking for the text " new)" and checking to see if that was preceded by a number. If so, blink the icon. Now that it doesn't say " new)" any more, my parser program can't work. If you've got an idea as to what else it could parse for, I could see about making that edit instead of asking you to figure out how to hack " new)" back into the BBS.
- Something else I do is that I clear my cache and cookies regularly. To keep me from having to manually log in to the BBS after a clear-out, I use a pre-formatted URL that includes the user name and password parameters already in there. For instance, for the old BBS, it was this:
http://empeg.comms.net/php/start_page.ph...mp;option=LoginCan I still do this? Any hints on what the format of the URL should be?
- DITTO DITTO DITTO DITTO at the top of my lungs to the complaints about it not scrolling down to the new posts any more. AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!! AAaaaAAA AaAA AGGGHHHHH!!!! OMFG THAT SUCKS SO BAD! Ahem. Ah. Okay, that's off my chest now.

- Related to the above, but much more egregious: If you click on a thread title that is multiple pages, and the newest post is on page 2 or later, it goes to page 1 instead of to the page containing the first new thread. That's not just irritating, it's downright broken, and lame to boot.
- I was reading a post about pronto CCF codes, and at the top of the screen above the post it said that the forum hierarchy for the post was: General -> Technical/Troubleshooting. But there
is no forum with that hierarchy. Each product group has a technical forum, but not "General". So something is bugged about the part of the BBS that displays the thread hierarchy. I use this feature often. For example, in the case of reading a post about CCF codes, perhaps the user didn't specify which product he was asking for CCF codes for (he did this time, but let's say hypothetically that he didn't). So I might choose to look up at the top of the screen and see if he's in Empeg, Rio Receiver, or Rio Central.
- Hm. Previewing this post, there is a dotted line above my signature. I didn't type a dotted line. My signature is designed to look set-off from the post already, I don't need a poor-looking dotted line to set it off like that. I like mine better. Can that be hacked out too?