I also prefer the KUC1515-01-0850 as a "standard" unit because it has wires on.

Mister Graley, sir, I have a question.

In preparation for the autoEQ feature, I just bought a Radio Shack 270-092, which I think (from what I can gather from this thread) is the unit described in that datasheet you linked, Model # KUC1515-01-0850.

Depending on where you look, the last digits of the model number are either 092 or 0092, but I think those two are synonymous in the ratshack parts system. Anyway...

The part I purchased doesn't look like the photo at the radio shack web site linked above. It has three wires coming off of it when I expected two. There is a red and a white wire, as well as a sheath to the white wire. Photo attached...

I thought that the mic connector on the empeg was only two conductors, i.e., mono 1/8". I thought that three conductors meant a balanced connection. So here are my questions:

- Will this mic work?

- I've purchased a mono 1/8" male jack to solder to this microphone so that I can plug it into the empeg's mic connector. If this mic will work, then which wires do I solder to the tip and sleeve of the mono 1/8" jack?

227175-mic.jpg (255 downloads)

Tony Fabris