When I drove a convertable I just left the doors unlocked.

I hope you left the roof down, too. Evidently, many car thieves are such total idiots that they slash the roof before they even realize that the doors are unlocked.

I had a vinyl soft top for a Jeep stolen once. However, the morons neglected to steal all the little metal braces and rods necessary to make it work. They just took the vinyl. I left the rest of the stuff out in the floor of the jeep for a couple weeks afterward, but they never came back for it....

Similarly, after my (empty, unlocked) Jeep glovebox was jimmied 2 or 3 times, I started leaving the glovebox door conspicuously dangling open overnight. Apparently, it is more hassle to check to see if it is unlocked, than to just stick in a crowbar, twist, and walk on by.