I use a wishlist for the title "STARGATE SG-1".
Incidentally, a tip for the Tivo people... When setting a wishlist by keyword, if the keyword is more than one word, it'll do a fuzzy search.
For instance, I had a wishlist for JAMES BOND and of course it started grabbing everything with JAMES in the title+description, and also everything with BOND in the title+description. Not what I wanted, of course.
The secret is to put "JAMES BOND" in quotes for an exact match, which works.
Except there's no quote symbol on the character chart...
The big secret is that the PAUSE key on the remote control works as the quote key in the character-entry screen. See, 'cause the pause symbol is two vertical bars which kind of look like a quote symbol, too.
Clearly the Tivo interface designers are smartasses.