Wow! You were able to get all of that from that single chunk of data??? Cool!
Meanwhile, an update. The disks stress tested well, rsync to copy the original 80GB drive contents completed successfully and I was able to move data around without problem. I am now loading up my "archive" folder of stuff I could not fit before. After that is completed and I rebuild the databases, I expect to have about 28GB free space on a 200GB (well, technically 186GB) empeg. Then I start building the next set...
For those that have been asking about my old 80GB drives, I had a few people from work ask for them, so if I have any left at all, it will not be many. So if you wrote to me about them already, or are waiting, it is unlikely that I will be selling drives on the board this time around. Sorry about that. See my posting above about that "bout of mercy" that I had when it came to those I deal with in the office...
I am actually quite pleased with the Fujitsu drives in terms of speed and noise. The performance is much better than I expected. I had not dealt with Fujitsu drives much before, and I was more than a little wary to start with, but I am extremely pleased by what I have seen so far.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs