Valve moving to skip the publisher is only going to do more harm to the industry then good

I disagree with this statement in the strongest, yet most respectful, terms.

The publisher has merely been a vehicle to WalMart for most makers. They've been able to leverage the need for shelf space into an unbelievable large percentage of game revenue. They've used this inherent "bent-over" position of the makers to wield the cancellation sword over games of which they have little or no knowledge.

Isn't it enough that the publishers have built a system of horrendous customer service, hype, and political positioning? Within this structure, little or no innovation can be found.

I don't agree with Gabe's "phuck the contracts" attitude, but publishers are much of the reason for the mailaise that we see in game design.

Game publisher = RIAA. They are the same species. They are trying to protect an anachronistic market through lawsuits, predation and just plain-ole bad business dealings. They are sharks who provide little service to the customer.

Bring on the direct distribution of games. I, for one, will embrace it and enjoy the best that gaming has to offer while others...will not.