Well, the intent of the charming video is clearly to put down America. No question about that. So I standby calling it Anti-American. In calling it "typically liberal," I guess that was going too far because there are plenty of people who are liberal, but in fact only seem to hate part of America

, so lumping all liberals into the "Anti-American" crowd went too far in the same way as the Islamofascist term, but in this usuage I clearly meant it (and since retract it).
Islamofascist referred to a specific movement and not to Islam as a whole. My comment towards liberals was purely an emotional reaction based on some of Michael Moore's recent and brilliant quotes and writings that have sent me through the roof. Telling a group of Canadians that the dumbest Canadian is smarter than the smartest American (and the same thing to a U.K. crowd) or saying that America deserved 9/11 is inexcusable. And this "well done" video is clearly from the same mindset.
EDIT: Fixed a typo before db jumps in.