My first holiday wish is to wish everyone a happy holiday.
(Wow, that's almost a palindrome. Creepy.

Anyway, I just got a Mark2 (I know, some of you are saying, "finally! What took you so long?"), and I have a few wishes. I think the Mark2 is awesome, and these are only strange little wishes. But hey, it's the holiday season, and wishing is part of all that, right?
- I wish for a checkbox on the "configure player" screen in emplode that says "Never allow the volume to go higher than 0db". (Unchecked by default, of course.)
- On that same screen, I wish for a checkbox that says: "Keep playing when the car ignition is turned off." (Yes, I know we can press any button to start it playing again. I also get the feeling that I could just hook both wires to constant power to make it work this way. I said these were strange little wishes.)
- I wish that there was the possibility to simultaneously set up more than one ethernet configuration on the empeg. When switching between work and home, I must reconfigure the empeg to use either DHCP (work) or fixed IP address (home) before it will respond on the ethernet cable. I don't know if this sort of thing is even possible at all. Perhaps there's a way to have it fall back on the last fixed IP addres if it can't find a DHCP server (but it could keep checking for a DHCP server in case one appears)?
Tony Fabris