This really wouldn't be so bad if it was just the election and not instead so many people hating each other.

Hate each other? I have plenty of friends and relatives that are bleading heart liberals and we don't hate each other...

Sure. there's no one I hate, and really I can't think of anyone who hates me (at least for anything having to do with this). But it's easy to look at the images of the rallies from a few days ago and see the hatred on the front lines.

And if Kerry would have won would this 'hate' subside?

I doubt it.

It almost sounds like your saying the Democrats 'hate' the Republicans because Bush won but the Republicans would not 'hate' the Dems if the situation were flip flopped... *very* strange in my opinion.

Using only what I said, justify that.

So who is *really* doing the 'hating'?

People. Maybe animals, but I don't understand them. Mostly people.