Well, I'm pretty anti-smoking, even got my wife to give up after years of nagging (okay, I had to finally resort to getting her pregnant, but it worked

) but I reckon this isn't going to fly for a number of reasons, and I'm glad.
a) Why should the Scottish Parliament have the right to do this? Currently I can choose not to go into a smoky bar - and generally I do stick to the better ventilated ones (unless I am very drunk in which case I don't care) so a law to do this seems pointless.
b) If they do want to do this, why not start easy rather than go for the kill at once (as this may well be too much) - I mean bringing in something like a requirement for a smoking licence may well persuade some bars to go non-smoking just as it's easier.
c) Like I said, I hate smoking - but it is a good source of revenue. Allow it, tax it heavily, legalise cannabis and tax it too...etc all good money to go into the coffers (hopefully instead of my taxes going in there:-) - okay this one is a personal preference on the government to tax things I am not interested in