Since typing isstill somewhat laborious, I'll cheat and do a group thank you to ya'll.... Every word is
really warming!
No fear- not gone and not going without a fight

If I can only give one piece of advice it won't be Wear Subscreen -that'f already been done---- If you've ever haf the slightest inkling you might have high BP, have an even the slightest stressfull siruation ----- go check your pressure!
Anyway, goal for this, spring is some auto-x'ing with the pug, so the lrft jhand better start to perform so it can steer while the right one occassionally assists with th handbrake

Abyone with ideas on tires? Brands?Differentt front/rear? Stock size on an RC is 205/40 -17"
7, remember it'sFW-drive!