I ordered my empeg on Tuesday around 3pm New York time.. (EST). I still havn't heard from empeg yet about shippment. I assumed it would be processed and sent yesterday (Wednesday). I was thinking maybe they installed 1.02 on the thing before sending it out, but I don't know what the hold up is (if there is any). But, I will need to make arrangments to receive shipment, so I kinda need to be able to track this thing.
I have had some luck using MusicMatch of all programs to update my ID3v2 tags... If I use it to edit a tag on an mp3 that I ripped, I can check an "apply to all tracks on this CD" box. It has been great for applying Genre and date changes (which CDDB doesn't supply good info for). It has trouble finding some files if you renamed any folders, but it tells you what folders it is looking for, so I just renamed them again to their original. I am using Winamp to do the rest of the changes. I must say, I love v2 tags and how they allow long track names. I just hated truncating names with v1.
12gig Mk. II (in route?)
Detroit, MI USA
Brad B.