The empeg boots very fast. Too fast, in fact, it even has to wait a bit for the drives to spin up before it can recognize them. On a dual-drive unit, the second drive may take a bit longer to spin up than the first, so the empeg tries for another second and bit before giving up on it and proceeding with only the first drive. The problem with that is that a single-drive unit takes a second and a bit longer to boot than it would if it didn't look for a second drive.
Well, it's quite unlikely that a second drive would appear in my unit while I'm looking the other way, so I might as well enjoy my music for that entire second and a bit rather than just stare at the empeg logo.
Here are the goodies:
zipped mk2 kernel image
zipped mk1 kernel image
kernel patch
Please note:
- The mk1 image is very thoroughly untested
These images include Frank's irhack for displayserver. If you want any other patches bundled in, just ask.
Happy fast booting,