I finally finished listening to this entire collection. Kept about 400 songs totalling about 1.5 gig. I've attached a file listing the ~45 artists who I think are worth looking into.

Hey, that's 45 more artists who's CDs I may buy. It was a refreshing way to find new music without having to watch MTV or wade through commercials on radio. I'll be sure to (somehow) let the artists know I found them via the torrent, hoping they continue to support MP3 samples.

Phew, THAT'S where my last month and a half went. Listening to the eclectic mix every night and the same 925 song playlist on my empeg every day. I really have to stop these massive "listening binges": 1.5 years reviewing my CD collection in 02-03, 6 months of straight techno in 04, 1.5 months in SXSW, etc, etc.

255222-SXSW05-Worth_looking_in_to.txt (421 downloads)

110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set