Hi Tony,

All good points. The insurance company can be dealt with if its done up front. Photos, letters, ect...

The point about adverse weather it the one I hadn't considered at all. I live in the Central Valley of California. Its a mild Medeterrainian(?) climate.

I checked the manual, I believe the enviromental ranges are wide enough to allow me to leave the empeg in permenantly.

BTW this is going into a Sebring Convertable. This is another reason why I want this unit more securely mounted. It only takes a moments inattention for a loss to happen. (I know, I already lost a cell phone this way) I like the idea of using the security slot. I'll have to look for ways to make use of that.

-- Glenn
PS. I hadn't recognized the security slot for what is was. That feature was a GOOD IDEA.
