Ok, I finally received my MK2 mainboard back from Stuart who did a wonderful job installing my 64meg upgrade from Patrick. Just want to give a big thank you to both of you :-). But, things aren't working.

Now, I'm attaching the output of the first 3 boots of my MK2. I captured using minicom. The first boot scared the hell out of me, but the subsequent boots don't look very healty either. I'm not sure where the cutoff points are, so I'm leaving the text untouched.

I have already flashed the bootcode by jumpering the flash chip and I'm running v3.00a11 and Hijack v437. The player seems to load ok, but varies as to where it locks up shortly after, sometimes showing an hourglass symbol inside of a small square box on the center of the display.

Gregory Porras

edit: ok, seems like after playing with it for the past 10 minutes, every boot now looks like the first one in the attachment

262901-empeg-newmem-boot.txt (281 downloads)

Edited by gogee2000 (18/08/2005 21:51)