The Sony DVX-100 has RCA outputs, but it's also a DVD player and costs $1000.

Not only does it cost $1000, but if the datestamp on your post here is accurate, it has cost exactly that, with no sign of a price drop, for over three years!

Do any of the ones that use FM modulators have RCA out and the modulator just connects to that ?

I seem to recall there being some in the Crutchfield catalog a number of years ago:

"Add a CD changer to any stereo, even if it doesn't have a CD changer input."

They had, if I recall, both RCA and FM-modulator outputs.

That may well be, but if so it's not exactly an advertised feature. I called Crutchfield just now and they said that they carry nothing like that (not that I necessarily have the most faith in the accuracy of that statement, I'm just repeating what I heard.)
_____________________________ It's getting to be ri-god-damn-diculous.