blown out of proportion this whole thing has become
So true. On the other hand, this also means that people involved are sensitive and care about each others' opinion. Which is good, and deserves respect and understanding. And, it also means that all people involved are intelligent, good hearted, and wise enough, and they definitely are, to understand that misunderstandings do happen to everybody, but what really matters in such cases are the intentions behind people's actions or statements. So, if I am allowed to give a suggestion, please put a smile on your faces, and shake hands.
You are all too smart and nice to let this thing go on any longer. I have little time to be here, and still I fight every day to find few minutes and stop on the empeg bbs, where I feel so welcome in spite of everything. I doubt my job will ever allow me to come to Amersfoort, and still I hope and try every year. You know why? Because you're so cool. And interesting. And welcoming. And that's the reason why this place still exists. Just stop giving importance to a misunderstanding, because we all see that's all it was. 
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg