In the end, Monster denied my claims, but sent me a new power strip. As I was claiming everything else under my homeowner insurance, and was well past my deductible, my home insurance ended up paying the bill that Monster would otherwise have paid, so I wasn't terribly excited to put additional energy into chasing down Monster.
One upside of the whole adventure was upgrading to a GigE switch, which realized a noticeable performance improvement between my file server and my Mac.
Another amusing part of the story: DirecTV shipped me a new (possibly refurbed) HD-TiVo and gave me detailed instructions on how to return my old HD-TiVo, which I carefully followed and kept my receipts. A month later, a $1000 charge showed up on my credit card, ostensibly because I hadn't returned my old one. After much phone calling and faxing, I was able to convince them that I truly had sent back the TiVo. Uggh.