The hotel manager has imformed me that the hotel is (outside of the reservations made for our group) almost full.
I have to give him the booking list tomorrow morning (Thurs 23 June). If we have less than the number of rooms I reserved, then he will release the surplus. If you aren't on that list, then in all honesty it's looking as if you then try a late booking, you can forget getting a hotel room. There are few alternatives in Amersfoort - not for nothing is the event held here - so if you need a room,
you need to book it now.
Please don't wait any longer folks: I have deliberately held this open longer than I should have done to give a little extra time to the ones who couldn't quite decide. Anyone you know from the last events who you have not seen here for a while, get PM'ing to let them know the board is up to get a booking done.
See you there!
PS. I have just received the main raffle prize - tee hee

PPS. Forget all the rumours you are hearing, by the way