Actually, I've just had an idea to spread the love around.
Since I have to order something and pay the huge shipping fee regardless, perhaps I can offer a service as a remailer to the rest of the planet for the LED button/knob illumination kits.
Stu wants a reasonable US$45 per kit. Canada Customs will add %15 to that when I import them here, raising my cost to approximately US$52 per kit, ignoring the $45 shipping that I have to swallow regardless.
I can probably remail these kits individually to most places on the planet for less than $10 each in padded envelopes, using regular letter air-mail. That works out to less than $17 overhead per kit, as opposed to $45 from the original source.
If you want one, let me know ASAP, as I hope to place the order within days. These are the electronics bits and pieces, not including the coloured buttons/knobs themselves.
Edited by mlord (30/06/2005 15:14)