Coming back from Mexico the other day they didnt give me a hard time at all, Just asked for my ID then asked what country I was a citizen of and said thanks ..
Ah, yes, Mexico. It's God's blind spot, and seems to be oft overlooked by the U.S. as well. My family drives to Mexico many times a year, and has never run into any problem. We get waved through the Mexican side every single time. Returning to the US, none of us have ever been even asked for ID. Just things like country of citizenship and whether we're bringing anything back. But, Mexico's on the new state department rules too, so I'd expect it to get a little tougher sometime in the next year.
The one time I flew into Mexico, though, it was a little more of a production with passports and customs forms going both ways.
A couple of years after I got my first passport, I was so bummed out that I hadn't had any stamps in it that we actually stopped at the Mexican immigration office on our way into Mexico once and insisted that the officer check it and stamp it with an entrance visa. The guy didn't actually even have a stamp, so he drew a picture in my passport, dated it, and signed it.